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***HOW I FINALLY GOT A PONY STORIES THREAD*** I had to try 3 different times to get my horse for real. There's always something wrong. "It's not for a child rider" "It's too spooky" "It can't breathe right" So on and so on! It took me a looong time to get my horse. One of the things about horses is you have to be prepared. The way I got my horse is someone walked up to me and offered to sell one of their horses to me! I had money saved up that almost matched the amount they named,my parents paid the rest and took it out of my allowance. I didn't have allowance for 3 months! But I paid for every PENNY for that horse,and that horse had a baby so now I have 2!

I had to try 3 different times to get my horse for real. There's always something wrong. "It's not for a child rider" "It's too spooky" "It can't breathe right" So on and so on! It took me a looong time to get my horse. One of the things about horses is you have to be prepared. The way I got my horse is someone walked up to me and offered to sell one of their horses to me! I had money saved up that almost matched the amount they named,my parents paid the rest and took it out of my allowance. I didn't have allowance for 3 months! But I paid for every PENNY for that horse,and that horse had a baby so now I have 2!
Arabiangirl1 & My Pony
2009-08-29 09:28:08
Hi Arabiangirl!
Your letter is perfect for a first story about getting a pony for other members who want to get a pony and aren't having much luck.
Thanks for writing.

Jane Crandal & JB
2009-08-30 02:09:52
wow really

Homelis & Babe
2009-09-01 01:01:43
Yes really! I think I'll make a club with fun horsey tips. Would that be alright Mrs.Crandal? It could be the "Horse N' Fact Club" For horsin' around with fun facts!
**FUN HORSE FACT** Got any stale bread,or the "bread ends" of the loaf? Give them to your horse! Horses love bread,and if you have an older horse the soft bread wont be hard to chew!

Arabiangirl1 & My Pony
2009-09-07 22:06:51
**FUN HORSE FACT** Horses like a variety of different foods. My horse loves celery!! She'll go crazy for it!
Arabiangirl1 & My Pony
2009-09-10 22:42:33
My dad took an old and starting to mold bale of hay and spread it out in our horse shelter. The horses won't eat it and now they don't have to stand in mud since it's been raining at my house for 3 days in a row now!
Arabiangirl1 & My Pony
2009-09-12 11:50:49
Hey Arabiangirl1 could I be the first to join your club if I am?
By the way my horse loves rain she stands in it alot and rolls in it too

Homelis & Babe
2009-10-20 21:30:58
lol sure
Arabiangirl1 & My Pony
2009-10-21 12:53:57
P.S how does a horse roll in rain?
Arabiangirl1 & My Pony
2009-10-21 12:54:14
very squishily.

Jane Crandal & JB
2009-10-21 23:54:59
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
